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Barb/Nicky's MOM from:Travis HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD June 20, 2009

mom 2 Waylon thinkin of you June 20, 2009


Thinkin about you & asking

God to Bless You and your

family always!!

~Hugs & Kisses~

Lupe Lopez, Gabe's mom Sending warm hugs to you & yours. June 15, 2009

God Bless You

I seek in prayerful words, dear friend,
My heart's true wish to send you,
That you may know, that far or near,
My loving thoughts attend you.

I cannot find a truer word,
Nor better to address you;
Nor song, nor poem have I heard,
Is sweeter than God bless you!

God bless you! So I've wished you all
Of brightness life possesses;
For can there any joy at all
Be yours unless God blesses?

God bless you! So I breathe a charm
Lest grief's dark night oppress you,
For how can sorrow bring you harm
If 'tis God's way to bless you?

And so, "through all thy days
May shadows touch thee never - "
But this alone - God bless thee -
Then art thou safe forever.

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Hugs 4 Travis June 14, 2009
Carol-Adam Hill's Mom God Bless You June 14, 2009

Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 12, 2009
Waylon's mom words of comfort May 31, 2009

MySpace Angel Comment: 5

There's a place
I've never seen
beyond this world we know,
A place I've only heard of
but someday hope to go -
It's not on any map,
there are no roads
to take me there,
But it's a place of perfect peace
where hearts are free from care.
And though I understand
some may be saddened
when I leave,
One day, we all will meet again -
that's what I believe...

When it's time to travel there,
I think I'll wear a smile,
I'll say good-bye to those I love,
but only for a while,
Knowing there are others
who have traveled there alone,
Who cannot wait to greet me
and to whisper "welcome home."

Laura & AV Tard Happy Birthday Trav May 29, 2009


Nicky Happy Birthday Travis May 29, 2009

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